That said these should be your highest Stats. Dexterity measure's how agile and quick you are, allowing you to dodge blows aimed at you more easily, and to move out of harms way quickly. Strength measure how strong physically you are, allowing you to attack with mighty blows, and lay your foe low. The reason for this is simple enough honestly. With this being side your Combat are directly effected by your Strength, and Dexterity. First off we'll want to Start with Statistic's as a Jedi Guardian you'll rely on your Combat abilities more then your Force abilities, though they should not be overlooked. Getting the most out of your Guardian so to speak. Basically this is my advice guide to those wishing to play Jedi Guardian to the best of their abilities. I'm not sure if there will be much interest in this but I figured I'd give it a shoot. You may post it on your website as long as it attributed to me. By Sabermaster Version 2.0 This FAQ belongs to me.